
不要害怕將自己置入危險的境地,人沒那麼容易死的。 ——俞冰夏

看著年輕時遇到的人精采入老,人世的那個個性鮮明的時代被他們矍鑠保存,很受鼓舞。 ——謝的 Climax

Instructions for students: Studying is rewarding and motivating, but it is also often hard work. We recommend you start planning how you intend to make room for your studies alongside the other activities and responsibilities in your life.

……简单来说就是如果你意识不到细节,看不到细节,你就无法画出来。因为人没法画出自己没见过的东西。 ——小触手的书房

最终重要的事情是达到臻善臻美的思想。至于这思想是不是自己想出来的,是不是独创的,这并不重要。 ——ian,二零二二五月

Lawrence Li: Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do to undo what your country did to you.

虽然这座城市没有醒目的栅栏或者围墙,但只要过上普通的生活,你肯定就不想去其他地方了。为什么?因为你的心里上了一把锁。 ——藤本理(《梦晕》)

Lawrence Li: 重要的是任何人都可以自由地去探索任何領域的知識,不會被狹隘的 professionalism 嚇住。

李如一: 好像人们总是周期性意识到学医救不了国,但为什么还有不少人相信技术改善社会?

“What do we mean by the study of any topic” By the study we mean “The application of one's mental faculties to the acquisition of knowledge in a particular field or to a specific subject.” ——Daniel P.Friedman(talk: The Role of the Study of Programming Languages in the Education of a Programmer)